William Moore BSc
742 Harrow Road
W10 4AA
Bales College
Established in 1966, Bales is an independent school and sixth-form college, providing intensive tuition in small groups for students aged 13-19 years. On-campus boarding accommodation is available to students aged 14-19. Admission is by interview, where we discuss with the students and parents their aims and objectives.
Subjects and Courses
A key feature of Bales is that the younger students do not specialise too early. All Year 9 and 10 students follow a set curriculum covering ten subjects; it is only in Year 11 that final choices are made in terms of the subjects to be taken at GCSE. All students, without exception, experience two separate cycles of trial examinations during each academic year, plus fortnightly tests in each subject. Informed decisions about tier of entry for GCSE students and the scheduling of AS and A2 units for 16+ students can then be made, based on reliable and meaningful evidence of attainment.
Students who are doing A levels for the first time usually follow the two-year AS and A2 programme; students who are retaking at A-level or GCSE follow the one-year intensive course. Students who have followed an AS level (Year 12) programme elsewhere may enrol at Bales College for their A2 year only, or for a two year course involving AS retakes plus A2 if circumstances dictate this to be the more sensible approach.
Teaching Methods
We are committed to helping each and every student reach the maximum possible level commensurate with his or her abilities and interests. We are unashamedly traditional in our teaching methods, believing in academic rigour. Every student is made very aware of the high degree of personal attention given to them; we know them and they know us. We are communicative and accessible; any parent/ guardian can contact us at any time about anything of concern.
We have always been committed to the teaching of separate sciences, supported by as much practical work as possible - certainly much more than the minimum advised by the examination awarding bodies. We have an excellent science laboratory, with additional newly refurbished laboratories due to be completed in the near future. There is also an Art and Design department, plus - in a separate building - ICT facilities plus a canteen which provides lunches for both day and residential students.